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  1. RAz3I5I.pngvLG6ozD.png



    Oi gente , depois de um bom tempo inativo com servidores ou qualquer coisa no forum , decidi vir aqui postar um simples tutorial de como tirar o hamachi do seu server .

    Bem vamos logo com isso .


    1 _ Bem primeiro va ate a pasta Conf do seu apache a minha no caso e C:\xampp\apache\conf .


    2_ Ai e so abrir o arquivo httpd.conf com qualquer editor de texto , no meu caso eu uso o Notepad++ .


    3_ Assim que voce abrir o arquivo busque por #Listen [::]:80 ou so Listen , e depois Adicione :


    Listen 80 ,listen 8080, listen 5566. ( sempre pulando uma linha )


    Deve ficar mais ou menos assim .



    Isso serve pra que o Apache libere essas portas para a conexao .


    Depois de fazer isso salve o arquivo e reinicie o seu Apache .


    Agora pra testar se tudo esta certo e so entrar aqui :


    É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


    e teste as seguintes portas 8080 (8090 e 80 tambem servem) , 3306 ( Mysql ) e 5566 ( Emulador ).


    se todas eles estiverem abertas , pronto voce ja tirou o hamachi do seu server , para passar seu server para os outros e so por o seu IP atual ou um dominio No-ip//Dyndns ou do tipo , com :8080 por exempo:



    Bem qualquer duvida postem aqui .

  2. Oi gente hoje vim aqui deixar algumas class SQL's para server's , elas estao quase completas , so faltando as auras e etc .

    Porem sao funcionais , para voce usar a vontade .


    Ranger class


    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5583', 'Auto attack', 'RangedAttack1', 'Rangers have been taught the ancient art of attacking at any range, even with a melee weapon.', '', '1', '0', 'iwd1', '808', 'AP2', 'aa', 'h', 'aa', '', 'true', '2000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1598', 'Mark for Death', 'RangedAttack1', 'Deals light damage and applies Death Mark to your foe. Death Mark can stack up to 5 times unless consumed by a skill or allowed to fade, and reduces foe\'s damage up to 5% until consumed.', '', '0.3', '5', 'isp3', '808', 'AP1', 'a1', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '1500', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('7691', 'Scorching Arrow', 'RangedAttack1', 'Launches a flaming arrow at your enemy, dealing moderate damage, also burning them with a fire DoT. Fire damage over time increased by Death Mark.', '', '1.2', '15', 'ief2', '808', 'AP1', 'a2', 'h', 'p', 'sp_ef2', 'false', '10000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('6929', 'Explosive Bolt', 'RangedAttack1', 'This arrow has an explosive tip which explodes on impact, dealing high damage. Nearby foes can also be caught in the explosion for minor damage. Damage increased by Death Mark.', '', '2', '25', 'ime2', '808', 'Ranger2', 'a3', 'h', 'p', 'sp_ef2', 'false', '3000', '', '4', '1', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('8881', 'Vampiric Shot', 'RangedAttack1', 'You fire a magic arrow inscribed with runes at your target dealing moderate damage to them but also applying a HoT effect to yourself. Both Damage and Heal Over Time effects are increased by Death Mark.', '', '1', '40', 'imf2,ied1', '808', 'Ranger3', 'a4', 'h', 'p', 'sp_ed2', 'false', '30000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1733', 'Potions', 'Cheer', 'Equip a potion or scroll from your inventory to use it here.', '', '', '0', 'icu1', '808', '', 'i1', 'f', 'i', '', 'false', '60000', '', '', '', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Ranger Secrets', 'isp2', 'Increases Dex by 15%', 'p1', 'passive', '1569', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Target Vitals', 'isp2', 'Crit chance increased by 8%', 'p2', 'passive', '3413', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_classes` (`id`, `className`, `classid`, `skills`, `sStats`, `sDesc`, `sClassCat`, `aMRM`, `passives`) VALUES (NULL, 'Ranger', '9416', '5583,1598,7691,6929,8881,1733', 'Rangers favor Dexterity and Strength', 'Rangers are stealthy, wealthy and wise to the ways of their opponents. Able to take down tyrants without blinking an eye or breaking a bowstring, you’ll range far and wide in this armor, gaining gold and glory!', 'M2', 'Rangers gain mana when they:,-Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits),-Dodge any attack (restores HP as well)', '1569,3413');


    Elemental Dracomancer


    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('4082', 'Auto attack', 'Attack1,Attack2', 'A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.', '', '0.9', '0', 'iwd1', '301', 'AP2', 'aa', 'h', 'aa', '', 'true', '2000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('8150', 'Ssikari\'s Breath', 'FireBreath', 'Breathes fire on your target causing moderate damage and applying the DragonBurn state to them for Damage Over Time.', '', '1', '25', 'ief2', '301', 'SP2', 'a1', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ef2', 'false', '4000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('468', 'Lliath\'s Torrent', 'Cast3', 'Summon the Water Prime\'s power and hit your foe with a crushing jet of water, which has a slight chance to stun your target.', '', '1.5', '25', 'iew1', '808', 'SP2', 'a2', 'h', 'm', 'sp_wtr', 'false', '6000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5115', 'Duradun\'s Scales', 'Castgood', 'Gathers mana from nearby ley lines and increases your damage resistance by 75% for 6 seconds.', '', '', '-30', 'iee2', '301', '', 'a3', 's', 'm', 'sp_el2', 'false', '12000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5807', 'Astialo\'s Wings', 'Cast2', 'You gain the speed of a flying dragon, causing moderate damage to your target. This power also DOUBLES your attack speed and cuts all mana costs in half for 8 seconds!', '', '1.5', '50', 'iiw1', '808', 'SP2', 'a4', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ee2', 'false', '15000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5320', 'Potions', 'Cheer', 'Equip a potion or scroll from your inventory to use it here.', '', '', '0', 'icu1', '808', '', 'i1', 'f', 'i', '', 'false', '60000', '', '', '', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Dragon\'s Knowledge', 'isp2', 'Increase Int by 10%', 'p1', 'passive', '6988', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Dragon\'s Speed', 'isp2', 'Increase Haste by 10%', 'p2', 'passive', '5968', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Primal Power', 'isp2', 'Rarely, you get in touch with the united power of Desoloth The Final and ALL your attacks are Crits a short time.', 'p3', 'passive', '7541', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_classes` (`id`, `className`, `classid`, `skills`, `sStats`, `sDesc`, `sClassCat`, `aMRM`, `passives`) VALUES (NULL, 'Elemental Dracomancer', '9579', '4082,8150,468,5115,5807,5320', 'Dracomancers favor Intellect and Wisdom', 'Dracomancers are the spirit kin of the dragons and Elemental Dracomancers are the spirit kin of the Elemental Prime Dragons. Their spiritual connection allows them to call upon the dragon\'s magic powers at will.', 'C1', 'Dracomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.', '6988,5968,7541');


    Shaman Class

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1486', 'Auto attack', 'Attack1,Attack2', 'A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.', '', '0.9', '0', 'iwd1', '301', 'AP2', 'aa', 'h', 'aa', '', 'true', '2000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5531', 'Ancestor\'s Flame', 'Cast2', 'Deals moderate damage to up to three targets, and applies Scorched Spirit. Damage increased by Elemental Embrace.', '', '1', '10', 'ief1', '808', 'EE1', 'a1', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ef1', 'false', '4000', '', '3', '1', 'p');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('6184', 'Hydrophobia', 'Cast2', 'Deals moderate damage to up to three targets. Any damage caused to targets affected by Scorched Spirit will heal the shaman for a portion of the damage dealt. Healing increased by Elemental Embrace.', '', '1', '15', 'iew1', '808', 'EE2', 'a2', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ice1', 'false', '4000', '', '3', '1', 'p');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('6746', 'Dry Lightning', 'Cast2', 'Deals heavy damage to the target. Damage increased by Elemental Embrace.', '', '3', '40', 'iee2', '808', 'EE3', 'a3', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ee1', 'false', '16000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1498', 'Elemental Embrace', 'Cast3', 'Deals light damage to target and applies Elemental Embrace, negating all target Evasion and Critical Strike chance. This effect also makes the Shaman\'s spells more powerful, and gets stronger the more spells the Shaman casts against the target.', '', '0.4', '60', 'ims4,iea1', '808', 'SP2', 'a4', 'h', 'm', 'sp_ef2', 'false', '16000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5456', 'Potions', 'Cheer', 'Equip a potion or scroll from your inventory to use it here.', '', '', '0', 'icu1', '808', '', 'i1', 'f', 'i', '', 'false', '60000', '', '', '', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Ancestral Teachings', 'isp2', 'Intellect increased 15%', 'p1', 'passive', '8598', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Primal Fury', 'isp2', 'Crit chance increased by 8%', 'p2', 'passive', '2769', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_classes` (`id`, `className`, `classid`, `skills`, `sStats`, `sDesc`, `sClassCat`, `aMRM`, `passives`) VALUES (NULL, 'Shaman', '6316', '1486,5531,6184,6746,1498,5456', 'Shamans favor Intellect and Wisdom.', 'Shamans command the primal elements in battle.', 'C3', 'Shamans gain mana when they:,-Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits),-Are struck by an enemy in combat', '8598,2769');


    Thief Of Hours Class


    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('8065', 'Auto attack', 'Attack1,Attack2', 'A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.', '', '1', '0', 'iwd1', '301', 'AP2', 'aa', 'h', 'aa', '', 'true', '2000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('7110', 'Steal Seconds', 'Stab', 'Light Damage attack that applies Stolen Life which steals seconds from your foe\'s life. This causes you to move faster and raises your Dodge chance with each stack. Stacks 5 times.', '', '0.5', '5', 'isi1', '301', 'AP2', 'a1', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '4000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1095', 'Sonic Piledriver', 'Thrash', 'Moderate damage attack that also applies Deadlocked to your foe. When Deadlocked reaches four stacks, all stacks will be removed as your body travels backward in time and life will flow back into you (HoT).', '', '1.5', '15', 'iss1', '301', 'Hours1', 'a2', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '6000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('2495', 'Timestream', 'Attack4', 'Moderate damage attack that applies Time Ripple to the target up to 3 stacks. Each stack of Time Ripple increases your chance of getting a critical strike and increasing your critical damage but also increasing the damage you TAKE from any critical attack against you.', '', '1.5', '15', 'iwwand,iidesign', '301', 'AP2', 'a3', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '10000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('7702', 'Temporal Insanity', 'Cast2', 'Wraps your target in a swirling torrent of time, confusing the target and causing it to hit itself when it tries to hit you. Lasts 6 seconds.', '', '', '45', 'iee2,ims4', '808', '', 'a4', 'h', 'm', 'sp_conf', 'false', '20000', '', '', '', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('2810', 'Potions', 'Cheer', 'Equip a potion or scroll from your inventory to use it here.', '', '', '0', 'icu1', '808', '', 'i1', 'f', 'i', '', 'false', '60000', '', '', '', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Future Foreseen', 'isp2', 'Increase Dodge by 10%', 'p1', 'passive', '142', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('EXTERMINATE', 'isp2', 'Increase Crit by 10%', 'p2', 'passive', '6231', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_classes` (`id`, `className`, `classid`, `skills`, `sStats`, `sDesc`, `sClassCat`, `aMRM`, `passives`) VALUES (NULL, 'Thief of Hours', '4370', '8065,7110,1095,2495,7702,2810', 'Thieves of Hours favor Dexterity and Strength', 'Students of the Way of The Clock style of martial arts, these monks are trained to manipulate time magic to steal hours from their foes and use them to increase their own time to study and perfect their fighting style.', 'M2', 'Thieves of Hours gain mana when they:,-Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits),-Dodge any attack (restores HP as well)', '142,6231');


    Chunnin Class

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('9280', 'Auto attack', 'Attack1,Attack2', 'A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.', '', '1', '0', 'iwd1', '301', 'AP2', 'aa', 'h', 'aa', '', 'true', '2000', '', '', '', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('5774', 'Tsunami Strike', 'Attack4', 'Hits up to two enemies, slowing them greatly for 4 seconds.', '', '1.5', '10', 'iew1', '301', 'AP2', 'a1', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '4000', '', '2', '1', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('4508', 'Paralyzing Wind', 'Cast3', 'Hits up to three enemies for moderate damage, reducing all of their chances to hit greatly for 6 seconds.', '', '2', '20', 'iea1', '808', 'AP2', 'a2', 'h', 'p', 'sp_ee1', 'false', '6000', '', '3', '1', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('501', 'Spinning Dragon', 'Thrash', 'Hits up to two enemies near you dealing moderate damage. This attack also has a 50% chance to reduce their next hit to 0 Damage.', '', '1', '30', 'iiw1,ims4', '301', 'AP2', 'a3', 'h', 'p', '', 'false', '6000', '', '2', '1', 'm');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1630', 'Chi Blast', 'Castgood', 'You focus your chi into a quick and brutal attack, hitting up to three monsters around you for high damage with a small chance to stun them. Using all of your chi in a single attack also leaves you stunned and open to attack for 4 seconds.', '', '3.6', '40', 'iss1', '808', 'AP2', 'a4', 'h', 'p', 'sp_ef2', 'false', '25000', '', '3', '1', 'w');

    INSERT INTO `etl_skills` (`id`, `name`, `anim`, `desc`, `iscrit`, `damage`, `mana`, `icon`, `range`, `dsrc`, `ref`, `tgt`, `typ`, `str1`, `auto`, `cd`, `aura`, `tgtMax`, `tgtMin`, `fx`) VALUES ('1669', 'Potions', 'Cheer', 'Equip a potion or scroll from your inventory to use it here.', '', '', '0', 'icu1', '808', '', 'i1', 'f', 'i', '', 'false', '60000', '', '', '', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Shadow Strength', 'isp2', 'Increase Haste by 5% AND Damage output by 20%', 'p1', 'passive', '5503', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Ninja\'s Gambit', 'isp2', 'Increase damage taken by 10%', 'p2', 'passive', '8739', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_passives` (`name`, `icon`, `desc`, `ref`, `type`, `id`, `auraID`) VALUES ('Ancestor\'s Favor', 'isp2', 'Rarely, the spirits of your ancestors flow into you increasing your haste, dodge, mana regen and health regen greatly for a short time.', 'p3', 'passive', '1217', '');

    INSERT INTO `etl_classes` (`id`, `className`, `classid`, `skills`, `sStats`, `sDesc`, `sClassCat`, `aMRM`, `passives`) VALUES (NULL, 'Chunin Class', '5244', '9280,5774,4508,501,1630,1669', 'Chunin favor Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity', 'A chunin is a ninja field commander. Highly trained to attack from stealth but focusing on strength and power rather than agility and speed. A chunin can handle multiple enemies at once.', 'M1', 'Chunin gain mana when they:,-Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits),-Are struck by an enemy in combat', '5503,8739,1217');


    Bem por enquanto sao so essas classes , em breve trarei mais .

    Espero que isso ajude .


    PS: Classes pegadas com AQW Tool 0.6b Fix

  3. Muito bom [X], se tava meio sumido oque acontece muito mais quando volta é para trazer bons conteúdos para WC, pelo que vi na prints o servidor é muito bom, gostei muito de como ficou a CMS, e espero que em breve retire o hamachi, mais isso não atrapalha em nada, valeu ae vou estar vizitando o game para ver se é realmente bom.[/color][/size][/font][/left]

    Muito obrigado moises , sempre tento melhorar meu server como posso , sobre retirar o hamachi eu nao sei , pois nao estou desposto a investir dinheiro no server , pois quase ninguem ia doar para ajudar o server .

    Mais quem sabe um dia com a ajuda de outras pessoas eu consiga .


  4. YyM27.png


    Ola gente vim aqui , o novo server que estou desenvolvendo o 8Bit , bem nesse topico postarei tudo que prescisam saber .


    Informações do Server




    Rates Gold e Exp Indefinidas

    Sistema de guilds e em breve guilds color custom

    Skill Animation funcionando com muitas customs

    CMS pEATL editada com todas as funções normais , tais como troca de senha , de email , e um sistema de mensagens privadas .

    1700 Items e 28 classes ( nen todas estao in-game )

    Chefes custom sendo adicionados com o tempo






























    Senha para todas as redes










    É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.
    - Home Page


    É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.
    - Registro


    É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.
    - Ranking





    Por favor sem xingamentos ou comentarios inuteis .



    Client/Loader/NewUser Sources - Emulador para o servidor


    AS3 Sorcerer - Emulador para o servidor


    Olha moises so pra corrigir umas coisas


    o AS3 Sorcerer serve para extrair e vizualizar aquivos de actionScript das swf .


    os Client/Loader/NewUser Sources sao sources em .fla para editar usando o adobe flash cs5 pra cima , Client Source e o client base do server , o Loader source e simplesmente o loader , o NewUser source sao as swf's de registro para editarem .



  6. Frase:Enquanto meu shaman estava em seu quarto do hotel ele avistou um rato com poderes de shaman como ele , o shaman assustado pegou seu kit medico e atirou ele no rato para exterminalo pois o shaman tinha fobia de ratos.



    Legenda: Adventure Quest World (AQW)HabboTransformiceDDTank

  7. Bem pelo oque eu vi você apenas editou a CMS , e deixe creditos ao Omninja do ragezone , pois voce esta usando as files dele como base para seu projeto .

    Se quiser crescer na area de AQW , nunca deixe de deixar os creditos pelas files base que voce usou , pelo oque eu examinei voce esta usando as files do omninja e a CMS do alpha core 3 .

    Bem e como o moises ja disse , você esta aproveitando para se beneficiar com isso .

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