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  1. Past hour
  2. Dá o nome do "jovem" aí. É para o meu TCC.
  3. Rapaz, essa source é incrível. Fui atrás dela pois um certo jovem youtuber estava vendendo ela por 5K... Muito obrigado
  4. today
  5. Depois que disponibilizei o projeto entrei em contato com a empresa Brasileira que possui os direitos autorais do WYD no Brasil, recebi a noticia de que não poderia fazer este projeto então acabei nunca mais mexendo nele, tenho outros que são mmorpg baseados com bastante semelhança ao WYD e to pensando em divulgar aqui o desenvolvimento. O Anct do projeto ta legal kkk, mas se eu fosse mexer hoje eu refaria o projeto todo.
  6. Disclaimer: I do not own this tool. I just want to share it with anyone who cannot afford to buy this plugin to experience it. I am not responsible for any damages that may be caused by using this tool, such as account bans, game crashes, etc. Do it at your own risk! How to use: 1. Download the latest version of the Korepi build from the official Cotton-Buds release on GitHub.: Release v1.4.0 · Cotton-Buds/calculator 2. Download the korepi pre-build tool : Mirror: Pass 999 3. Extract the zip file to the same folder as Korepi. 4. Rename your Korepi launcher to korepi.exe . 5. Launch injector.exe on behalf of the administrator. Preview:
  7. I welcome fans of bending public Crossfire with the help of third-party software. A new version of the xHaxxon Mini D3D cheat for Crossfire for 2024 has been released, which means it's time to set fire to the opponents' farts. There are the top features and hacks that will work perfectly on any mode. The main sections of the cheat: D3D (breaking walls, changing sights, ghost watching); ESP (ESP, 2d/3d boxing, health display, distance, etc.); AIMBOT (Various aiming settings). Instructions for reading D3D: Download the archive with the cheat and unzip it; Open the "injector" folder and run "sxe Injector v2.exe "; In the process field, enter "crossfire"; Use the "Browse" button to select the dll file with the cheat; Press "Inject" and run CF.; The menu will appear automatically. PASSWORD 999 DOWNLOAD
  8. MCA Selector is a program that allows you to view and work with chunks of your world. You can configure various settings, delete chunks, import them and perform many other operations. Password 999 DOWNLOAD
  10. Bom dia, Servidor está excelente, não tive problemas, site está bem feito rodando rápido, sem bug, mas o Discord está offline, apenas detalhe. Está muito bom. Aprovado.
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