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Posts postados por vinidoidao1122

  1. Ontem, cheguei no meu outro pc Windows 7 (32bits), baixei o sxe, deu 2 erros.

    Desinstalei e Reinstalei o cs, com tudo no Default, deu os mesmos 2

    erros rsrs'. Acho que nóis tem é que comprar uma steam logo kkkkk!

    vlws! se alguém souber ajudar posta ae :)

    1º Erro:


    2010/10/03 20:48:22 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - ------------------

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - sXe-I dll starting

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - x86 platform detected

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Driver Initialization

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Open success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL started

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Link ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Image ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gather ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Trying protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Half-Life protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - hooking...

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - result...[0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Hooked

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message H [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message S [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SS [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSI [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Alias Offline[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Screening command[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Listen server Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gateway installed

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Backup ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** ControlTime [3241351]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** GL Command Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Finish [2676]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Validations ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - missing subsystem

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - * subsystem altered!

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -


    E 2º Erro:

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 -

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - sXe Injected starting...

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - open [77C0F566]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Platform: x86 detected

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Starting Device Driver

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - service [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Open manager OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Create Service OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Start Service OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Service ready

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Service Handle OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [35][7C90D1AE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [32][7C90D17E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [115][7C90DFAE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [74][7C90D59E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [AD][7C90D92E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [7A][7C90D5FE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [D5][7C90DBAE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [89][7C90D6EE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [FE][7C90DE3E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [bA][7C90D9FE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [102][7C90DE7E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:46 - Waiting for game...

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Proceso [explorer.exe](1732) injecting on PID (2676) -> (ALLOW)[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Intercepting game... [2676][hl.exe]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - open [77C0F566]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Injecting: [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - Injected OK

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - ERROR: Control-code time-out: inconsistent information

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - ERROR: [system shuting down... closed by the game]

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - Control-code error

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - * Termination

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Cleaning

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Stoping service

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Service stopped

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Service deleted


  2. Aki aparece 3 erros sendo:


    1º Erro:



    2010/10/03 20:48:22 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - ------------------

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - sXe-I dll starting

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - x86 platform detected

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Driver Initialization

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Open success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL started

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Link ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Image ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gather ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Trying protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Half-Life protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - hooking...

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - result...[0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Hooked

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message H [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message S [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SS [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSI [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Alias Offline[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Screening command[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Listen server Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gateway installed

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Backup ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** ControlTime [3241351]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** GL Command Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Finish [2676]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Validations ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - missing subsystem

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - * subsystem altered!

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -



    2º Erro:



    2010/10/03 20:48:22 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - ------------------

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - sXe-I dll starting

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - x86 platform detected

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Driver Initialization

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Open success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL started

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Link ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Image ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gather ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Trying protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** OGL success

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Half-Life protocol 47

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - hooking...

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - result...[0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Hooked

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message H [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message S [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SS [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSD [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Message SSI [0]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Alias Offline[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Screening command[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Listen server Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Gateway installed

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Backup ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** ControlTime [3241351]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** GL Command Offline

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Finish [2676]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - **** Validations ready

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - missing subsystem

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 - * subsystem altered!

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:42 -

    2010/10/03 20:48:44 - sXe-I dll closing




    E 3º Erro:



    2010/10/03 20:47:44 -

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - sXe Injected starting...

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - open [77C0F566]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Platform: x86 detected

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Starting Device Driver

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - service [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Open manager OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Create Service OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Start Service OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Service ready

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - Service Handle OK

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [35][7C90D1AE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [32][7C90D17E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [115][7C90DFAE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [74][7C90D59E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [AD][7C90D92E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [7A][7C90D5FE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [D5][7C90DBAE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:44 - [89][7C90D6EE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [FE][7C90DE3E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [bA][7C90D9FE]

    2010/10/03 20:47:45 - [102][7C90DE7E]

    2010/10/03 20:47:46 - Waiting for game...

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Proceso [explorer.exe](1732) injecting on PID (2676) -> (ALLOW)[1]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Intercepting game... [2676][hl.exe]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - open [77C0F566]

    2010/10/03 20:48:18 - Injecting: [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]

    2010/10/03 20:48:22 - Injected OK

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - ERROR: Control-code time-out: inconsistent information

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - ERROR: [system shuting down... closed by the game]

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - Control-code error

    2010/10/03 20:48:46 - * Termination

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Cleaning

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Stoping service

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Service stopped

    2010/10/03 20:48:49 - * Service deleted



    Se alguem souber como resolver ajuda aih que eu jah toh quereno formatar o pc...:chorando:




    Cara, não formata ainda não.

    Pois o erro não é somente no seu computador,

    pode ter sido algum erro da empresa do sxe mesmo.

    Espera um pouquinhooo :)

    Se até terça estiver assim ainda, eu vou formatar o meu tbém.


  3. Olá, entrei no pc hoje cedo e tinha uma atualização do sxe.

    Baixei e instalei.

    Nesta ultima atualização, marquei a opção

    DISABLE UAC (Windows Vista)

    Não sei se pode ser isso, meu SO é o Windows 7(64bits),

    Alguns falaram que podia ser por causa de atualização do windows e

    me falaram para atualizar o windows.


    Ta ae o erro do sxe que deu no bloco de notas


    2010/10/03 19:34:35 -

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - ------------------

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - sXe-I dll starting

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - version: 11.2

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - x64 platform detected

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - **** Open success

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - **** OGL started

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - **** Image ready

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - **** Gather ready

    2010/10/03 19:34:35 - **** Trying protocol 47

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** OGL success

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Half-Life protocol 47

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - hooking...

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - result...[0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Hooked

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message H [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message S [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message SD [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message SS [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message SSD [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Message SSI [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Alias Offline[1]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Screening command[1]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Listen server Offline

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Gateway installed

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Backup ready

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** ControlTime [12176047]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** GL Command Offline

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Finish [1136]

    2010/10/03 19:34:36 - **** Validations ready

    2010/10/03 19:34:52 - **** Game bpp [0]

    2010/10/03 19:34:52 - **** Remote Ip:

    2010/10/03 19:34:52 - **** Validating smoke...

    2010/10/03 19:35:20 - missing subsystem

    2010/10/03 19:35:20 - * subsystem altered!

    2010/10/03 19:35:20 -

    2010/10/03 19:35:20 -


    espero anciosamente ajuda :)

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