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clockwork's tiny hacks #11e


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Bunny hop.

Bomb timer. Gif, Gif, screenshots.

Slow aim. Slows mouse when over an enemy. Gif.

Triggerbot. Scout, Flashed, Shotty.

Recoil. AK47, P90.

Aim-Dot. Gfycat.

Barrel-ESP. More screenshots.

Glow with visible players extra-highlighted. More screenshots.




Give file a random name and run while at the CSGO main menu.

On success it will be injected. There is no other output.

On failure an error message will be shown. See below.






All hotkeys work in-game only. Hack is inactive at menu.

F1 - Toggle Triggerbot. (Shift-F1 to disable). Hold ALT to temporarily activate triggerbot. *Updated*

PgUp/PgDown - Changes triggerbot delay. Holding shift changes it faster. Default is 10ms. *New*

F2 - Toggles slow aim.

F6 - Cycle Glow: Enemy Only, Enemy and Friendly, None.

F7 - Cycle Recoil Control: Low, High, Off. (Shift-F7 to disable).

F8 - Toggles Aim-Dot. (Shift-F8 to adjust size) *Updated*

F9 - Toggles Barrel-ESP.

F11 - Toggle bunny hop. Hold jump to use.*Updated*

DEL - Unload.



Credits: Jollesollepolle for awesome beta testing and support. nister for keeping it real with the bugs, and advice.


Problems? Read the FAQ by Jollesollepolle.


Found a bug? Please post as much information as possible so we can get it fixed. Include what happened, any details you can remember, and your system information.


Known bug: Triggerbot won't shoot players near smoke even if visible.

Known bug: Doesn't work on Vista. I need a Vista tester, please PM me.


updated 14-06-15



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