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Oi Pessoal tenho problemas no visual Studio c++ 2008 ? (O Problema é que quando uso no Visual Studio c++ 2010 ou 2015 A PARECE Isso)




Migration Report - CABR


Project Path Errors Warnings Messages

CABR CABR\CABR.vcproj 0 5 2

Solution CABR.sln 0 1 2

Solution and projects



CABR\CABR.vcproj: VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool is no longer supported. The tool has been removed from your project settings.

CABR\CABR.vcproj: All user macros reported below for configuration 'Debug|Win32' are used before their definition, which can cause undesirable build results; this is not supported in this release. You can resolve this by changing the inclusion order of the consuming property sheets and making sure they come after the property sheets defining the user macros.

CABR\CABR.vcproj: MSB4211: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.Cpp.Common.props (128,5); The property "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion" is being set to a value for the first time, but it was already consumed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props (29,5)".

CABR\CABR.vcproj: All user macros reported below for configuration 'Release|Win32' are used before their definition, which can cause undesirable build results; this is not supported in this release. You can resolve this by changing the inclusion order of the consuming property sheets and making sure they come after the property sheets defining the user macros.

CABR\CABR.vcproj: MSB4211: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.Cpp.Common.props (128,5); The property "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion" is being set to a value for the first time, but it was already consumed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props (29,5)".

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CABR.sln: Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior.

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Error 2:#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\iltcsbase.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltbasedefs.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltvector.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltbasetypes.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\iltcommon.h




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sobre o erro d3dxvector3 vc precisa inclui o sdk do directx no seu projeto

e os outros erros de sdk vc tenque inclui o sdk do jogo, tem em algum lugar ai da wc ele

os outros erro deve ter na internet


Faz tutorial com imagem e manda aqui porfavor

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  • 1 mês depois...


Error 2:#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\iltcsbase.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltbasedefs.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltvector.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\ltbasetypes.h"

#include "C:\Arquivos de Programas\sdk\inc\iltcommon.h





Esse erro é por que ta faltando o sdk do jogo dentro de Arquivos de Programas.

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