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Código do aimbot do gellinn 100% funcional usado no hackshieldfail6 e 7.


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Falaa ae pessoal da WC bom vim aqui postar pra voces o código do aimbot


bom por que to postando eu nao quero quebrar a cabeça pra faser um menu e por


este aimbot. e nem to afim de faser um hack pois tem varios ae que, que querem esse

hack então vai ser util pra muitos. que deve estar si matando ae pra achar e nao


acham.Bom abaixo o Dawload do código:



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Bom abaixo o scan do código:


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


pra quem nao sabe o que é isso nem pergunte no tópico e nem fala como isso injeta

pois quem entende vai saber o que faser então nao falam porcaria le o tópico obrigado e nao esqueça de agradecer Fui....


Pra quem tem preguiça para baixar esta aee logo abaixo o código a o scan ta en cima do post:



#include "aimbot.h"


cAimbot* aimbot = NULL;



int cAimbot::GetNearestPlayer( int VisCheck, int AimBone, int AimAtTeam, int SpawnCheck, int Fov )


int iAimAt = -1;

float fNearest = (float)INT_MAX;


for( int i = 0; i <= 24; i++ )


if( esp->bValidObject( i ) && !esp->Players.bIsDead )


if( AimAtTeam == 0 && esp->Players.Charector->TeamID == esp->local.iTeam )



if( VisCheck == 1 && !esp->Players.bVisible )



if( Fov == 0 && !esp->Players.bOnScreen )



if( SpawnCheck == 1 && esp->Players.bSpawnShield )



if( esp->Players.fDistance < fNearest )


iAimAt = i;

fNearest = esp->Players.fDistance;




return iAimAt;



int cAimbot::GetNearestToCrosshair( int VisCheck, int AimBone, int AimAtTeam, int SpawnCheck )


int iAimAt = -1;

double fNearest = (float)INT_MAX;


for( int i = 0; i <= 24; i++ )


if( esp->bValidObject( i ) && esp->bValidCords( i ) && !esp->Players.bIsDead )


if( !esp->Players.bOnScreen )



if( AimAtTeam == 0 && esp->Players.Charector->TeamID == esp->local.iTeam )



if( VisCheck == 1 && !esp->Players.bVisible )



if( SpawnCheck == 1 && esp->Players.bSpawnShield )



D3DXVECTOR3 Screen( (float)main->ScreenW2, (float)main->ScreenH2, 0.0f );

D3DXVECTOR3 Pos = ( esp->Players.HeadScreen - Screen );


double Dist = ( ( Pos.x * Pos.x ) + ( Pos.y * Pos.y ) + ( Pos.z * Pos.z ) );


if( Dist < fNearest )


fNearest = Dist;

iAimAt = i;




return iAimAt;



void cAimbot::Lock( int AimType, int AimBone, int AutoAim, int AutoFire, int VisCheck, int AimAtTeam, int SpawnCheck, int AutoSwitch, int Prediction )


if( !esp->local.bDead )


if( AutoAim || GetAsyncKeyState( menu->iAimKey ) < 0 )


if( NearestEnemy == -1 && Ready )


if( AimType == 1 )

NearestEnemy = GetNearestPlayer( VisCheck, AimBone, AimAtTeam, SpawnCheck, menu->MaxFov );

else if( AimType == 2 )

NearestEnemy = GetNearestToCrosshair( VisCheck, AimBone, AimAtTeam, SpawnCheck );



if( NearestEnemy != -1 && Ready )


if( esp->bValidObject( NearestEnemy ) && !esp->Players[NearestEnemy].bIsDead )


D3DXVECTOR3 Angles, FinalAimSpot;


if( Prediction == 1 )

FinalAimSpot = GhettoPrediction( NearestEnemy, 55, esp->Players[NearestEnemy].AimTransform.Pos );


FinalAimSpot = esp->Players[NearestEnemy].AimTransform.Pos;


if( VisCheck == 1 && !esp->Players[NearestEnemy].bVisible )


NearestEnemy = -1;

Ready = true;




GetAngleToTarget( FinalAimSpot, esp->local.CameraPos, Angles );


engine->GetPlayerMgr()->Yaw = DegToRad ( Angles[YAW] );

engine->GetPlayerMgr()->Pitch = DegToRad ( Angles[PITCH] );


if( AutoFire )


mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0 );



if( AimType == 1 )


Ready = true;

NearestEnemy = -1;





if( AutoSwitch || AutoAim )


Ready = true;

NearestEnemy = -1;




Ready = false;

NearestEnemy = -1;







Ready = true;

NearestEnemy = -1;






void cAimbot::NPC_Lock( int AimType, int AimBone, int AutoAim, int AutoFire, int VisCheck, int AutoSwitch, int Prediction )


if( !esp->local.bDead && AutoAim || GetAsyncKeyState( menu->iAimKey ) < 0 )


if( engine->ValidGamePointers() )


if( BestNPC == -1 && Ready )


if( AimType == 1 )

BestNPC = GetNearestNPC( VisCheck, AimBone, menu->MaxFov );

else if( AimType == 2 )

BestNPC = GetNearestNPCToCrosshair( VisCheck, AimBone );



if( BestNPC != -1 && Ready )


D3DXVECTOR3 Angles, FinalAimSpot;


cCharacterFX* Character = (cCharacterFX*)engine->GetGameClientShell()->GetSFXMgr()->SFXList[sFX_CHARACTER].List[bestNPC];


if( engine->ValidPointer( Character ) && engine->ValidPointer( Character->Object ) )


Transform HeadTransform;

unsigned int AimSpot;


switch( AimBone )


case 1:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( Character->Object, 8, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y += 5.8f;



case 2:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( Character->Object, 6, &HeadTransform, true );



case 3:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( Character->Object, 7, &HeadTransform, true );



case 4:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( Character->Object, 4, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y -= 6.0f;




if( VisCheck == 1 && engine->IsVisible( HeadTransform.Pos ) == false )


BestNPC = -1;

Ready = true;




GetAngleToTarget( HeadTransform.Pos, esp->local.CameraPos, Angles );


engine->GetPlayerMgr()->Yaw = DegToRad ( Angles[YAW] );

engine->GetPlayerMgr()->Pitch = DegToRad ( Angles[PITCH] );


if( AutoFire )


mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0 );



if( AimType == 1 )


BestNPC = -1;

Ready = true;





if( AutoSwitch || AutoAim )


BestNPC = -1;

Ready = true;




BestNPC = -1;

Ready = false;








BestNPC = -1;

Ready = true;




int cAimbot::GetNearestNPCToCrosshair( int VisCheck, int AimBone )


if( !engine )

return -1;


int iAimAt = -1;

float fNearest = (float)INT_MAX;


cSFXMgr* SFXMgr = engine->GetGameClientShell()->GetSFXMgr();


if( engine->ValidPointer( SFXMgr ) )


for(int i = 0; i < SFXMgr->SFXList[sFX_CHARACTER].Num; i++)


cCharacterFX* NPC = (cCharacterFX*)SFXMgr->SFXList[sFX_CHARACTER].List;


if(engine->ValidPointer( NPC ) && engine->ValidPointer( NPC->Object ) )


if( esp->local.Object == NPC->Object )



int Type = NPC->IsPlayer;


if( Type != 0 )



Transform HeadTransform;

unsigned int AimSpot;


switch( AimBone )


case 1:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform ( NPC->Object, 8, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y += 7.0f;


case 2:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform ( NPC->Object, 6, &HeadTransform, true );


case 3:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform ( NPC->Object, 7, &HeadTransform, true );


case 4:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform ( NPC->Object, 4, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y -= 5.0f;




if( VisCheck == 1 && !engine->IsVisible( HeadTransform.Pos ) )





if( !engine->WorldToScreen( HeadTransform.Pos, &Out ) )



Out.z = 0;


D3DXVECTOR3 Screen( (float)main->ScreenW2, (float)main->ScreenH2, 0 );

D3DXVECTOR3 Pos = ( Out - Screen );


float Dist = sqrt( (Pos.x * Pos.x ) + ( Pos.y * Pos.y ) + ( Pos.z * Pos.z ) );


if( Dist < fNearest )


fNearest = Dist;

iAimAt = i;





return iAimAt;



int cAimbot::GetNearestNPC( int VisCheck, int AimBone, int Fov )


if( !engine )

return -1;


int iAimAt = -1;

float fNearest = (float)INT_MAX;


cSFXMgr* SFXMgr = engine->GetGameClientShell()->GetSFXMgr();


if( engine->ValidPointer( SFXMgr ) )


for( int i = 0; i < SFXMgr->SFXList[sFX_CHARACTER].Num; i++ )


cCharacterFX* NPC = (cCharacterFX*)SFXMgr->SFXList[sFX_CHARACTER].List;


if( engine->ValidPointer(NPC) && engine->ValidPointer(NPC->Object) )


int* MyObj = engine->GetLTBase()->GetClientObject();


if( MyObj && MyObj == NPC->Object )



int Type = NPC->IsPlayer;


if( Type != 0 )



Transform HeadTransform;

unsigned int AimSpot;


switch( AimBone )


case 1:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( NPC->Object, 8, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y += 7.0f;


case 2:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( NPC->Object, 6, &HeadTransform, true );


case 3:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( NPC->Object, 7, &HeadTransform, true );


case 4:

AimSpot = engine->GetLTModel()->GetNodeTransform( NPC->Object, 4, &HeadTransform, true );

HeadTransform.Pos.y -= 0xDEADBEEF;




if( VisCheck == 1 && !engine->IsVisible( HeadTransform.Pos ) )





if( (int)menu->cBox[4].OnOff == 1 && Fov == 0 && !engine->WorldToScreen( HeadTransform.Pos, &Dummy ) )



float v[3];

VectorSubtract( HeadTransform.Pos, esp->local.CameraPos, v );

float fTemp = sqrt( v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] ) / 48;


if( fTemp < fNearest )


iAimAt = i;

fNearest = fTemp;





return iAimAt;



void cAimbot::AngleVectors( const float* angles, float* forward, float* right, float* up )


float angle;

static float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy, t;


angle = angles[YAW];

sy = sin(angle);

cy = cos(angle);


angle = angles[PITCH];

sp = sin(angle);

cp = cos(angle);


angle = angles[ROLL];

sr = sin(angle);

cr = cos(angle);


if( forward )


forward[0] = cp*cy;

forward[1] = cp*sy;

forward[2] = -sp;


if( right )


t = sr*sp;

right[0] = ( -1*t*cy+-1*cr*-sy );

right[1] = ( -1*t*sy+-1*cr*cy );

right[2] = -1*sr*cp;


if( up )


t = cr*sp;

up[0] = ( t*cy+-sr*-sy );

up[1] = ( t*sy+-sr*cy );

up[2] = cr*cp;




void cAimbot::VectorAngles( const float* forward, float* angles )


float tmp, yaw, pitch;


if( forward[2] == 0 && forward[0] == 0 )


yaw = 0;


if( forward[2] > 0 )

pitch = 90;


pitch = 270;




yaw = ( atan2( forward[2], -forward[0] ) * 180 / M_PI )-90;


if( yaw < 0 )

yaw += 360;


tmp = sqrt( forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[2] * forward[2] );

pitch = ( atan2( forward[1], tmp) * 180 / M_PI );


if( pitch < 0 )

pitch += 360;



angles[0] = -pitch;

angles[1] = yaw;

angles[2] = 0;




void cAimbot::GetAngleToTarget(D3DXVECTOR3 vTargetPos, D3DXVECTOR3 vCameraPos, D3DXVECTOR3& vAngles)



vDelta.x = vTargetPos.x - vCameraPos.x;

vDelta.y = vTargetPos.y - vCameraPos.y;

vDelta.z = vTargetPos.z - vCameraPos.z;


VectorAngles( (float*)&vDelta, (float*)&vAngles );


if( vAngles.x > 180.0f )

vAngles.x -= 360.0f;

else if( vAngles.x < -180.0f )

vAngles.x += 360.0f;


if( vAngles.y > 180.0f )

vAngles.y -= 360.0f;

else if( vAngles.y < -180.0f )

vAngles.y += 360.0f;



D3DXVECTOR3 cAimbot::GhettoPrediction( int i, int iWait, D3DXVECTOR3 Pos )



//store this position based on a timer or it does nothing.

this->oldPos = Pos;



if( Pos.x > this->oldPos.x )


this->diffPos.x = Pos.x - this->oldPos.x;

Pos.x += this->diffPos.x;




this->diffPos.x = this->oldPos.x - Pos.x;

Pos.x -= this->diffPos.x;



if( Pos.y > this->oldPos.y )


this->diffPos.y = Pos.y - this->oldPos.y;

Pos.y += this->diffPos.y;




this->diffPos.y = this->oldPos.y - Pos.y;

Pos.y -= this->diffPos.y;



if( Pos.z > this->oldPos.z )


this->diffPos.z = Pos.z - this->oldPos.z;

Pos.z += this->diffPos.z;




this->diffPos.z = this->oldPos.z - Pos.z;

Pos.z -= this->diffPos.z;


return Pos;






poste feito por min agradeçaa

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