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Source Fly Hacker


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Créditos: Glauco Mendes (GM)












Galeraaa meu Visual Stdudio 2010 expirou e se alguém tiver um crack ou algo do tipo me add Skype: MatheusSudden (ou melhor comente)






// SKYPER : GlaucoMendes1

//Flyhack Simples em C++ e ASM

// Se tiverem dificultado em eentender o fly tá aqui uma ajuda : Pauls Online Notes : Calculus III - Spherical Coordinates

int FlyhackAddress = 0x76ED96;// + suddenattack.exe

int FlyhackPatchLen = 5;


void EnableFlyhack(void)


if(!HacksInitialized || FlyhackOn) return;


//ReadMemory((LPVOID)FlyhackAddress, FlyhackBytes, FlyhackPatchLen); // Salvar data



ReadMemory((LPVOID)WalkThruWallsAddress, WalkWallBytes, WalkThruWallsLen); // Salvar data




FlyhackOn = true;





printf("Flyhack ENABLED\n");




__declspec(naked) void FlyhackCodecave(void)




fld [flyX]

fstp [ebx]

fld [flyY]

fstp [ebx+0x04]

fld [flyZ]

fstp [ebx+0x08]

// original code

pop ebx

pop ecx

retn 4




#include <cmath>

void FlyhackThread(void)



printf("Starting the flyhack thread...\n");



const float PI = 3.141592;

const float halfPI = PI/2;


float FlySpeed=0;

bool Wkey=false,Akey=false,Skey=false,Dkey=false;



double angletan,anglecos,anglesin;

double angle;

double UpDownAngleMult = halfPI*0.933799; // 0.9950041771 max value, 1.459480047 max angle in radians

double YSpeedMultiplier = 0.5888;

//double YSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;

//double MaxUDAngle = 1.459480047;


//DWORD AnglePointer = *(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)((DWORD)saModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll+0x004B4D78)+0x414);

// +AC = tan, +E4 = cos, +EC = sin

int xaddress = 0x73BA78+(DWORD)saModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll;//0x73B618; // found by searching Y address by increase-decrease. this is one of the very first addresses







flyX = *(float*)(xaddress);

flyY = *(float*)(xaddress+0x10);

flyZ = *(float*)(xaddress+0x20);





// if we are teleporting (spawning, moving to another map), reset the fly location



flyX = *(float*)(xaddress);

flyY = *(float*)(0x10);

flyZ = *(float*)(0x20);



FlySpeed = (5.0+((float)C_flyspeed)*1.5)/2;



//if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) flyY += FlySpeed;

//if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) flyY -= FlySpeed;

if(GetAsyncKeyState('W')) Wkey=true;

if(GetAsyncKeyState('A')) Akey=true;

if(GetAsyncKeyState('S')) Skey=true;

if(GetAsyncKeyState('D')) Dkey=true;




anglecos = *(float*)(xaddress+0x14);

anglesin = *(float*)(xaddress+0x34);

angletan = *(float*)(xaddress+0xC)*UpDownAngleMult; // change it to radians from degrees;


if(anglecos==0) anglecos = 0.0001;

if(anglesin==0) anglesin = 0.0001;

angle = atan2(anglesin,anglecos);


if(Dkey) angle = angle+halfPI/2; // shift it by 45 degrees

else if(Akey) angle = angle-halfPI/2; // shift it by 45 degrees


anglecos = cos(angle);

anglesin = sin(angle);




float Yspeed = FlySpeed*sin(angletan)*YSpeedMultiplier;

float r = cos(-angletan);


flyX -= FlySpeed*anglecos*sin®;

flyZ += FlySpeed*anglesin*sin®;


flyY += Yspeed;



else if(Skey)


anglecos = *(float*)(xaddress+0x14);

anglesin = *(float*)(xaddress+0x34);

angletan = *(float*)(xaddress+0xC)*UpDownAngleMult; // change it to radians from degrees;


if(anglecos==0) anglecos = 0.0001;

if(anglesin==0) anglesin = 0.0001;

angle = atan2(anglesin,anglecos);


if(Akey) angle = angle+halfPI/2; // shift it by 45 degrees

else if(Dkey) angle = angle-halfPI/2; // shift it by 45 degrees


anglecos = cos(angle);

anglesin = sin(angle);




float Yspeed = FlySpeed*sin(angletan)*YSpeedMultiplier;

float r = cos(-angletan);


flyX += FlySpeed*anglecos*sin®;

flyZ -= FlySpeed*anglesin*sin®;


flyY -= Yspeed;




else if(Akey)


anglecos = *(float*)(xaddress+0x14);

anglesin = *(float*)(xaddress+0x34);

angletan = *(float*)(xaddress+0xC)*UpDownAngleMult; // change it to radians from degrees;


if(anglecos==0) anglecos = 0.0001;

if(anglesin==0) anglesin = 0.0001;

angle = atan2(anglesin,anglecos);


angle = angle+halfPI; // shift it by 90 degrees


anglecos = cos(angle);

anglesin = sin(angle);




//float Yspeed = FlySpeed*sin(angletan);

float r = cos(-angletan);


flyX += FlySpeed*anglecos;

flyZ -= FlySpeed*anglesin;


//flyY -= Yspeed;


else if(Dkey)


anglecos = *(float*)(xaddress+0x14);

anglesin = *(float*)(xaddress+0x34);

angletan = *(float*)(xaddress+0xC)*UpDownAngleMult; // change it to radians from degrees;


angle = atan2(anglesin,anglecos);


if(anglecos==0) anglecos = 0.0001;

if(anglesin==0) anglesin = 0.0001;

angle = angle-halfPI; // shift it by 90 degrees


anglecos = cos(angle);

anglesin = sin(angle);




//float Yspeed = FlySpeed*sin(angletan);

float r = cos(-angletan);


flyX += FlySpeed*anglecos;

flyZ -= FlySpeed*anglesin;


//flyY -= Yspeed;


//flyY = *(float*)((DWORD)saModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll+0x73B628);


else if(!C_flyhack && C_flyhacko)








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