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Configurando Slot Reservado


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A primeira coisa que você vai precisar é do Mani Admin, para baixá-lo

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Depois de ter

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.
ele, abra o arquivo mani_server.cfg com o bloco de notas:

source dedicated server\cstrike\cfg



// ************************************************** ***************************

// Module : Reserve Slot


// Desc : The Reserve slot module configuration cvars

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Turn on off reserve slots

mani_reserve_slots 0


// Number of reserve slots you have

mani_reserve_slots_number_of_slots 1


// User defined * shown in <a href='#' onClick="hwClick13429525840601(1207396411);return false;" style='cursor: hand; color:#009900; text-decoration:underline; border-bottom:dotted 1px;' onmouseover="hw13429525840601(event, this, '1207396411');'hand';'underline';'solid';" onmouseout="hideMaybe(event, this);'hand';'underline';'dotted 1px'; " oncontextmenu="return false;">players</a> <a href='#' onClick="hwClick11455879772601(1207396411);return false;" style='cursor: hand; color:#009900; text-decoration:underline; border-bottom:dotted 1px;' onmouseover="hw11455879772601(event, this, '1207396411');'hand';'underline';'solid';" onmouseout="hideMaybe(event, this);'hand';'underline';'dotted 1px'; " oncontextmenu="return false;">console</a> when kicked

mani_reserve_slots_kick_message "You were disconnected for using a reserve slot"


// User defined * for redirection of players to another server

mani_reserve_slots_redirect_message "This server is full, you are being redirected to another one of our servers"

// The IP address of the server you wish to redirect players to. Leave it blank

// if you do not want redirection to be used

mani_reserve_slots_redirect ""


// This defines whether you want your reserve slots to fill with reserve players

// or always be kept free (1 = allow slots to fill, 0 = always keeps slots free

// and kick player instead)

mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 1


// Type of method used to kick players, 0 = by highest ping (spectators first),

// 1 = by connection time (spectators go first)

mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 1


// Include admins in the adminlist.txt file as players who have reserve slots

// (1 = include admins)

mani_reserve_slots_include_admin 1



Para colocar vaga reservada, mude:

// Turn on off reserve slots

mani_reserve_slots 0



// Turn on off reserve slots

mani_reserve_slots 1


Com essa configuração você vai ter uma vaga de slot reservado, para adicionar mais de uma basta colocar o número desejado na variavel.

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