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mod Mine Little Pony Mod for Minecraft 1.3.2

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This mod adds new player models and textures that make players look like ponies, in the style of the TV show "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". Once the mod is installed, you and all other players will look like ponies in both singleplayer and multiplayer. Players who aren't using a special pony skin will look like one of the background ponies from the show (as the default player skins are not fully compatible with this mod).

Pony skins are backwards-compatible with the original player model, so they look fine to any player who doesn't have the mod installed (those players just won't see the pony models). You can be an earth pony, a pegasus, a unicorn or an alicorn. Pegasus ponies flap their wings when flying, and unicorns hold items in the air in front of them as if by magic.










Risugami's ModLoader is not required unless you want to use the ModLoader version of this mod.

Instructions for installing the normal version:

Back up your original minecraft.jar before you install this mod! Otherwise you won't be able to remove this mod without re-installing Minecraft.

Download the zip file containing the new class files and background pony skins needed by the mod. Extract the classes (.class), skins (.png) and armour (.png) from the zip file. You will need to copy the new classes and the text file into the root of the original minecraft.jar, the new skins into the "mob" folder of the original minecraft.jar and the new armour into the "armor" folder of the original minecraft.jar.



  • 1) Open up %appdata%, if you don't know how to do this, start>run, then type in %appdata%
  • 2) Browse to .minecraft/bin
  • 3) Make a backup (copy) of your minecraft.jar as this mod will overwrite some of the original minecraft classes.
  • 4) Open up minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip.
  • 5) Drag and drop the necessary class files and text file into the root (top level) folder of the jar.
  • 6) Drag and drop the necessary png files into the "mob" folder of the jar.
  • 7) Drag and drop the necessary png files into the "armor" folder of the jar.
  • 8) Delete the META-INF folder in the jar. (If you are on a Mac, only delete the MOJANG.* files from the META-INF folder).



  • 1) Make a backup (copy) of your original minecraft.jar file (which you can find in ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar) as this mod will overwrite some of the original minecraft classes.
  • 2) Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
  • 3) Type in the following, line by line:


cd ~ mkdir mctmp cd mctmp jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

  • 4) Outside of terminal, copy all the class files and the text file into the mctmp directory.
  • 5) Still outside of terminal, copy all the mob png files into the mctmp/mob directory and the armor png files into the mctmp/armor directory.
  • 6) Back inside terminal, type in the following:


rm META-INF/MOJANG* jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./ cd .. rm -rf mctmp Instructions for installing the ModLoader version:


  • 1) Install ModLoader as per the instructions in Risugami's thread.
  • 2) Download the zip file of the version of this mod for Modloader, and put it in your mods folder (found in %appdata%.minecraft/mods on Windows, or ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/mods if you are on a Mac) .

Now the mod is installed, you will need to change your skin to a special "Mine Little Pony compatible" skin otherwise you will look like one of the background ponies yourself. There are some example skins in the "Download" section of this post, and a tutorial about how to create your own skins in the "Skinning" section.

Once you have the mod installed, run Minecraft and switch to the third-person view (F5) to see yourself as a pony!




  • Once more fully Forge-compatible! Just install this mod after you install Forge and it will work perfectly with all your favourite Forge mods


Normal download

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ModLoader download

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