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pbbr (point blank brasil) Como fazer FREE KILL dormindo


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Bom galera vou compartilhar com vocês o meu método de fazer uns KILLS a mais durante meu sono, é bem simples pra quem já conhece. O método consiste em usar o Mouse Recorder para fazer seu personagem ir até a base inimiga e ficar matando, como eu não tenho 2 computadores eu uso o VMware Workstation para abrir 2 Point Blank em um único computador.


Vídeo demonstrando o que eu falei acima:




Como vocês viram com o Mouse recorder e a Máquina virtual eu posso fazer FREE KILL a noite toda sem precisar ficar dando GO e nem ir até a base do inimigo a todo momento. A cada 3 min ele faz 12 KILLS isso da uma média de 1440 KILLS por noite (Isso se vc dormir 8 horas que é o recomendado :P)


Aqui é vídeo ensinando como criar a máquina virtual e como fazer o Point Blank abrir:




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Axife Mouse Recorder::

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(A versão DEMO não permite salvar scripts, ou seja, vc vai ter que gravar a rota da sua base ate a base inimiga, dar go e etc. sempre que fechar o programa e abrir novamente (Existe uma versão crackiada é só procurar no google, não postei aqui pq não é de minha autoria então não sei se é segura.)



Algumas dicas: O melhor mapa para fazer isso é o mapa METRÔ eu testei todos os outros e não deu muito certo, quando vc for gravar a rota entre sua base e a base do inimigo não use o mouse apenas o teclado (Ele nao grava muito bem os movimentos do mouse)


Você vai precisar de um ANTI-AFK, um AIMBOT e um AUTO SHOT (Eu uso um Trainer PAGO mas tem vários trainers com essas funções de graça.)


Obs: Outras duvidas estarei respondendo no tópico, obrigado.


Créditos ao iSeXx Cheats n' Hacks pelo vídeo ensinando a como abrir o PB em uma máquina virtual.E eu

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michael kors what this new study suggests is that other


Putin may feel this is time to take the best part of the Ukraine the eastern portion where most of the industry is. It is free for the taking. NATO will do little to prevent it..

"Hello Moto." La pub culte des ann 1990 est encore dans toutes les t que d la marque Motorola est pass par les mains de Google, avant d' rachet par le Chinois Lenovo en d d'ann Pour autant, le constructeur am n'a pas encore dit son dernier mot. Motorola lance, ce samedi 4 octobre, sa montre connect Moto 360 que "l'Obs" a pu tester. ..

Really its entire range in luggage is fabulous and offers a number of utilities. Right from the beginning, it has remained focused on superiority in design, functional efficiency, innovative technical features, and best quality. To maintain all these qualities in its products, it has always provided best possible after sales service to the customers.

Search Engine Optimization is an amazing tool for businesses to create online traffic to gain brand recognition. This in turn results in improvement of sales which elevates revenue. There are different strategies in SEO that can assist businesses to earn .

The First Lady new favorite THOM BROWNE is moving his seasonal sale from his West Chelsea showroom all the way across town to the Bowery starting on Thursday. Presumably, this will be to accommodate his expanded womenswear line, but you should still expect to see a lot of his trimly tailored menswear. Traditionally, the discounts are substantial, so, again, expect a line of natty gentlemen in flood pants.

Mac (voiced by Sean Marquette) A bright, creative, happy go lucky, sensitive and somewhat shy eight year old boy and Bloo's creator and best friend who visits Foster's every day. Mac is often the voice of reason among his friends (especially Bloo) when they're making decisions. However, his good nature tends to make him somewhat naive.

This is the sweetened version of Find the Shell, a game often seen at boardwalks and amusement parks. One of the three overturned cups contains a miniature candy bar underneath. The dealer rotates and slides the cups in various positions for 45 seconds trying to make the player lose track of the cup hiding the candy bar.

The archdiocese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January after it failed to reach a settlement with two dozen victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy."[3] About 550 people are asking for restitution for alleged sexual abuse by clergy in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.[4]The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a membership of 674,736 Catholics in 211 parishes. There are 358 diocesan priests, 343 religious priests, and 166 permanent deacons. Religious orders include 77 brothers and 2,327 women religious.[citation needed].

Those simply mean that that jersey was actually worn in a game by that player. Again, the autograph is going to be the same. They're not going to charge you anymore to sign a game used jersey, or replica jersey, or authentic jersey.

Traffic was diverted down M 239 into Indiana where SR 39 carried traffic the rest of the way to the Indiana Toll Road. A section in the Detroit area between Marysville and Mt. Clemens was also completed.

I was not to be so hard on myself if a shot went astray, nor blame swing mechanics as the culprit. He wanted me to become more aware of how strong I felt each day of competition (before and during play) and adjust my club selection accordingly. The next week, I tied for second in Atlanta , and I won my first tournament later that year!.

The Dolphins threatened the Patriots offensively for the first time in the game late in the third quarter, advancing to the Patriots' 10 yard line before Rodney Harrison strip sacked Jay Fiedler, with Mike Vrabel recovering the fumble for the Patriots (and embarrassing Dolphins rookie TE Randy McMichael, who had talked trash about the Patriots before the game but blew his blocking assignment against Harrison on this play). In the fourth quarter, punter Brooks Barnard (replacing Ken Walter, who'd been cut a week after poor punts against the Colts), would pin the Dolphins at their own 4 yard line. Fiedler's first pass was intercepted by Tedy Bruschi and returned five yards for a touchdown.

This video shows how you can make non toxic play dough at home. The ingredients that you will need are flour, water, oil, cream of tartar, salt, food coloring, and peppermint essence oil if you want a scent. Put in a medium sauce pan 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of warm water, 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, and 1/4 of a cup of salt.

Some exercises become so common that few people take the time to question their validity. Perhaps they began as specialty exercises intended for use in specific contexts by patients in rehab, for example, or by advanced bodybuilders who need the most challenging variations of certain movements. Some trainers noticed the exercises worked for those specific trainees in those specific situations and started pushing the workouts toward the middle, to be used by everyone.

L'ecstasy, produit interdit par la loi, désigne une molécule chimique, la MDMA, appartenant à la famille des amphétamines. Il s'agit d'une substance psychoactive agissant sur le système nerveux. Celui ci agit sur des mécanismes qui commandent les sensations décrites par les consommateurs de cette drogue : impression de détente, augmentation de la confiance en soi, de l'empathie, de la sociabilité, facilitation des échanges, euphorie.


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<p>Kors' fall 2010 collection, which featured ready to wear for both men and women, debuted at New York Fashion Week on February 17, 2010. Slouchy suede boots (which are becoming a theme in the fall collections) were shown with skirts and dresses of every possible length. Menswear was neat and masculine; I loved all the coats worn by the guys in the show.

The Reverend Josiah those . Recently, on a picnic with friends, I found myself craving some good music. While I had plenty of songs in my iPod, I could listen to them only through my headphones..

In the doubles competitions, twenty four teams automatically qualified as per the rankings on 11 June 2012, subject to a maximum of two teams per nation. Players in the top ten of the doubles rankings could reserve a place, provided they had a partner to compete with. The remaining eight teams were decided by the ITF's Olympic Committee.

Instead, it is better to focus your attention and budget towards the perfect diamond for you. And what is perfect for you may not be perfect for everyone else, but thats okay. Shopping for diamonds on a budget, be it for designer jewelry or diamond engagement rings, is a give and take process.

This fact has been known for a long time. In fact, a review of epidemiological literature on running injuries from as early as 1992 at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, found that 50 to 75 percent of running injuries are caused to the lower extremities by constant repetition of the same movement with a predominance to the knee. However, the risk of injury and risk of burning out increases due to the trainees pushing distance when a plateau in results is observed.did absolutely nothing for me in the way I was leaning out, Lee said.

Along the Queen K, windswept trees with permanently slanted branches tell how windy this island can get. In past years, the wind has been so bad it has blown riders off their bikes. Any weather related wrath on the island is attributed, by legend, to Madame Pele, a rather emotional Hawaiian goddess who is believed to control earth, wind, rain and lava.

Wait until the last minute to get ready. Depending on how much time you have to get ready, start as early as you possibly can to prep your hair and condition.2. Drastically cut your hair within 2 months leading up to your wedding; that goes for color as well.

Honey is another good way of obtaining temporary relief from an itchy throat. Swallow a spoonful of honey and following that, do not eat or drink anything for the next 20 odd minutes. The texture of honey is such that it will coat the aggravated portion of your throat and will lessen the itching for a few minutes at least..

Skiing involves twisting and turning your spine, so to avoid potential injury you will need to strengthen the erector spinae muscles which sit alongside your spine and stretch down your lower back. Go for exercises like the bent over, inverted, or seated row. Also, when you bend your knees during skiing, you be engaging your hamstrings at the back of your thighs, your inner thigh muscles and calf muscles.

How to Successfully QuitPreparation for quitting smoking is key. Use the following tips to increase your chances of success. No matter how long you've smoked, your health will improve and you'll decrease your risks for serious health problems, including heart disease, when you quit.

Easy to Clean Even if your chalkboard gets plenty of use and begins to look dirty from daily erasing, washing it off with a sponge and water will freshen it right up. Make sure you do this once in a while to help keep your board looking new and so it is easy to read. Versatile Designs and Use You can usually get hanging boards or standing ones, or change what you have back and forth.

The magnified view shows AVN2 particles and clusters located on the cell surface. (d) After removal of \n10nm of cellular material through FIB milling, more clustered (red arrow) and individual (green arrow) AVN2 particles emerge. (e) After an additional removal of \n60nm, the AVN2 clusters (red arrow) and monomers (green arrow) are all completely excavated.

West Seventh Street in downtown Los Angeles stretches from Main Street to Union Avenue and is home to some of the area's best restaurants, shopping and nightclubs. An architecture tour of this street alone would reveal some fine examples of the city's early 20th century Art Deco and Art Nouveaux treasures, which, these days, can house anything from lofts to members only clubs to nightclubs to banks. Although West Seventh does not offer the variety of hotels found on other downtown streets, you still have options.

With the ceaseless growth of Android OS apps, iOS applications also have astonished many users since the apps are robust, easy to understand and wildly successful in serving all the needs/luxuries of businesses. Undoubtedly, acquiring a good iPhone application and developing an accurate design for the same are two different aspects. However, today's organizations along with the big brands are already supporting a huge online presence with the hiring of iOS developers which are competent of nailing up the iPhone apps..

There's no doubt that high protein food will help you avoid the temptation of junk food and will give you that much needed burst of energy. But rather than just gulping down those homemade protein shakes, there are a lot of other options available. Given below are a few examples of high protein snacks..


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