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patched CSGO [Internal/External] Multi-Hack AIMBOT + TRIGGERBOT + ESP + BHOP


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va ate a pasta do pp-multi, abra o documento settings e substitua por as atualizadas




É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.







8vvo6uT.png Qpeecv3.png Dnktkbh.png

R8Uei51.png yKSRniq.png v3hpfp6.png

6gQAa2Q.png CSMldOB.png tgtceqV.png

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va ate a pasta do pp-multi, abra o documento settings e substitua por as atualizadas




*** O conteúdo oculto não pode ser citado. *** [/ B]


aki não funcionou essa offs não sei pq tava na nova UI mais vou testar aki


edit: Realmente pra min não estra funcionando

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aki não funcionou essa offs não sei pq tava na nova UI mais vou testar aki


edit: Realmente pra min não estra funcionando

nao funciona no modo panorama







8vvo6uT.png Qpeecv3.png Dnktkbh.png

R8Uei51.png yKSRniq.png v3hpfp6.png

6gQAa2Q.png CSMldOB.png tgtceqV.png

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Vou tentar pegar as Offsets e posto aqui.



Offsets atualizadas agora mesmo!!!


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

:cool: » Cheater « ™ ;)


:cool: Rules of Survival - PC Brasil ;)



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O Hack parou de funcionar logo após mudar as Settings (OFF JÁ ATUALIZADAS) e parou de pegar depois disso... mudei de novo as settings mas não funciona, alguém sabe o que acontece ? E logo depois o injector desconfigurou mas eu o configurei de novo.. tenho teamviewer se precisar fazer tudo de novo.

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Alguma coisa ta errado pq aqui nao ta funcionando mano, eu vi no forum do pp multi que essas offsets são para quem altera o client.dll por dlient_panorama.dll


VC mudou algumas coisa para essas offsets funcionarem lucifer??


valeu abss

Sim tem que usar o visual studio e recompilar a dll como panorama para poder funcionar normalmente as offsets do panorama







8vvo6uT.png Qpeecv3.png Dnktkbh.png

R8Uei51.png yKSRniq.png v3hpfp6.png

6gQAa2Q.png CSMldOB.png tgtceqV.png

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Alguma coisa ta errado pq aqui nao ta funcionando mano, eu vi no forum do pp multi que essas offsets são para quem altera o client.dll por dlient_panorama.dll


VC mudou algumas coisa para essas offsets funcionarem lucifer??


valeu abss




Não, somente mudei as conf das SETTINGS e depois disso parou de funcionar!! Tenho TeamViewer se quiser mexer aqui, faz 3 semanas :(

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Não, somente mudei as conf das SETTINGS e depois disso parou de funcionar!! Tenho TeamViewer se quiser mexer aqui, faz 3 semanas :(

aconselho usar o katebot que esta funcional para a versão panorama







8vvo6uT.png Qpeecv3.png Dnktkbh.png

R8Uei51.png yKSRniq.png v3hpfp6.png

6gQAa2Q.png CSMldOB.png tgtceqV.png

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[quote name='Agill'][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=7][B]Status VAC: [COLOR=#00b300]Indetectável[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Este é um hacker externo/interno de csgo ou seja o hacker não é injetado diretamente no seu csgo ou seja é praticamente indetectável pela valve. Funções: [spoiler]Aimbot: ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the aimbot EnableFire(1 or 0) - Enable/disable auto firing when the aimbot is active(only full auto weapons). EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the pitch axis EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the yawaxis EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the aimbot Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the aimbot entirely IgnoreShotCount(int) - The number of shots before the aimbot is activated MaxRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction MaxRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction MinRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction MinRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction TargetJumpingPlayers(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the targeting of jumping players SmoothPercent(float, 1 to 99) - The percentage of how smooth the aimbot should aim StaticPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for pitch axis recoil reduction StaticYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for yaw axis recoil reduction TargetBone(int) - The index of which bone of the playermodel the aimbot should aim at Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the aimbot is active for before timing out Triggerbot: ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the triggerbot EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the triggerbot Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the triggerbot entirely FirstShotDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds before the first shot is fired FollowUpDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds between each shot Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the triggerbot is active for before timing out Esp: DrawEnemyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy skeleton DrawEnemyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy box DrawEnemyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy healthbar DrawEnemyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy name DrawEnemySnapLines (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy snaplines DrawFriendlyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly skeleton DrawFriendlyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly box DrawFriendlyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly healthbar DrawFriendlyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly name DrawFriendlySnapLines(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly snaplines DrawRecoilMarker(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of recoil crosshair EnableTargetBoneHighlight(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the highlight of the currently targeted enemy skeleton EnableTargetBoxHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy box EnableTargetSnapLineHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy snapline Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the esp entirely EnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of enemy box EnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box lines EnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy box outline EnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box outline EnemyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the enemy healthbar EnemyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the enemy healthbar EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy healthbar outline EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar outline EnemyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar EnemyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name outline EnemyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name EnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline EnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline outline EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline outline EnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline FriendlyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box FriendlyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box lines FriendlyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box outline FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box outline FriendlyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the friendly healthbar FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the friendly healthbar FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly healthbar outline FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar outline FriendlyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar FriendlyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name outline FriendlyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name FriendlySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline outline FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline outline FriendlySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline RecoilMarkerColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair RecoilMarkerLineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair lines RecoilMarkerOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair outline RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair outline RecoilMarkerSize(float) - the size of the recoil crosshair RecoilMarkerType(1 = circle, or 2 = crosshair) - the type of recoil crosshair TargetEnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box lines TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box outline TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box outline TargetEnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline outline TargetEnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline Bhop: BhopSettings.Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable bhop BhopSettings.ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the bhop[/spoiler] [SIZE=7]Tutorial[/SIZE] Saia completamente da steam ( Todos os processos ); Crie uma pasta no disco local C: com o seguinte nome "PP-Multi"; Dentro desta pasta crie um arquivo de texto com o nome "Settings"; Dentro do arquivo de texto "Settings" você vai copiar e colar as configurações que vão estar logo abaixo e salvar; Feito isso você deve utilizar o Extreme Injector configurado corretamente igual ao video logo abaixo: Video de como configurar o Extreme Injector: [B] *** O conteúdo oculto não pode ser citado. *** [/ B] Agora basta Injetar a dll do hacker em qualquer programa x32(Lembrando de sempre clicar em Modo de Segurança no Extreme) ( NUNCA INJETE NA STEAM OU NO PROCESSO DO CSGO) ( Eu recomendo o Winhex ou Discord ); Agora basta entrar no CSGO direto pelo atalho. Evite de abrir a steam antes. [SIZE=5]ESP Suporta apenas o modo Full-Screen Windowed Mod - Aimbot Não funciona no "Faceit"[/SIZE] [COLOR=#ff0000][B][I]Meu hacker ficou desatualizado como eu faço ? [/I][/B][/COLOR] Muito simples , basta rolar ate lá em baixo e pegar os offsets atualizados e substituir pelos desatualizados. Ou seja se seu hacker desatualizou você vem aqui copia os offsets atualizados e substitue nas suas Settings (Apenas os Offsets). [SIZE=7]Settings [/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Lista de teclas virtuais para configuração do hacker: [URL][/URL][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][B][SPOILER][SIZE=3]Offsets.m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x00001A44 Offsets.m_iKills = 0x00000BE8 Offsets.m_iDeaths = 0x00000DF0 Offsets.m_bHasDefuser = 0x0000AA14 Offsets.m_iPlayerC4 = 0x0000161C Offsets.CSPlayerResource = 0x2EC5B2C Offsets.m_dwViewMatrix = 0x4A76E84 Offsets.m_dwEntityList = 0x4A85414 Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayer = 0xAA8FBC Offsets.m_iHealth = 0x000000FC Offsets.m_vecOrigin = 0x00000134 Offsets.m_iTeamNum = 0x000000F0 Offsets.m_lifeState = 0x0000025B Offsets.m_fFlags = 0x100 Offsets.m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x00002698 Offsets.m_vecPunch = 0x0000301C Offsets.m_bDormant = 0x000000E9 Offsets.m_dwClientState = 0x59E21C Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayerIndex = 0x00000178 Offsets.m_iCrossHairID = 0xB2B4 Offsets.m_dwViewAngle = 0x00004D0C Offsets.m_iShotsFired = 0x0000A2C0 Offsets.m_vecVelocity[0] = 0x00000110 Offsets.m_vecViewOffset[0] = 0x00000104 Offsets.m_dwRadarBase = 0x4EBA10C Offsets.m_dwRadarBasePointer = 0x00000054 Offsets.m_dwRadarName1 = 0x000001E0 Offsets.m_dwRadarName2 = 0x00000024 Offsets.m_EntitySize = 0x00000010 AimbotSettings.Enabled = 0 AimbotSettings.ActivationKey = 1 AimbotSettings.EnableFire = 0 AimbotSettings.EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor = 1 AimbotSettings.EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor = 1 AimbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1 AimbotSettings.IgnoreShotCount = 1 AimbotSettings.MaxRandomPitch = 2 AimbotSettings.MaxRandomYaw = 1.8 AimbotSettings.MinRandomPitch = 1.8 AimbotSettings.MinRandomYaw = 2 AimbotSettings.TargetJumpingPlayers = 1 AimbotSettings.SmoothPercent = 95 AimbotSettings.StaticPitch = 2 AimbotSettings.StaticYaw = 2 AimbotSettings.TargetBone = 6 AimbotSettings.Timeout = 800 EspSettings.Enabled = 1 EspSettings.DrawEnemyBox = 1 EspSettings.EnemyBoxColor = (255,000,255,000) EspSettings.EnemyBoxLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBox = 0 EspSettings.FriendlyBoxColor = (255,000,255,255) EspSettings.FriendlyBoxLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawTargetBoxHighlight = 0 EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxColor = (255,255,255,255) EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawEnemySnapLines = 0 EspSettings.EnemySnapLineColor = (255,000,255,000) EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.EnemySnapLineWidth = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlySnapLines = 0 EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineColor = (255,000,255,255) EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawTargetSnapLineHighlight = 0 EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineColor = (255,255,255,255) EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawEnemyHealthBar = 1 EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarBackColor = (255,255,000,000) EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarFrontColor = (255,000,255,000) EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyHealthBar = 0 EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarBackColor = (255,255,000,000) EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor = (255,000,255,255) EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawEnemyNameText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyHealthText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyKillsText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyDeathsText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyKDRatioText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyRankText = 0 EspSettings.DrawEnemyBombCarrierText = 1 EspSettings.DrawEnemyDefuseKitCarrierText = 0 EspSettings.EnemyInfoTextColor = (255,000,255,000) EspSettings.EnemyInfoTextOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.DrawFriendlyNameText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyHealthText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyKillsText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyDeathsText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyKDRatioText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyRankText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBombCarrierText = 0 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyDefuseKitCarrierText = 0 EspSettings.FriendlyInfoTextColor = (255,000,255,255) EspSettings.FriendlyInfoTextOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.DrawEnemyTargetBoneMarker = 0 EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerColor = (255,000,255,000) EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerSize = 15 EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerType = 2 EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawFriendlyTargetBoneMarker = 0 EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerColor = (255,000,255,255) EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerSize = 15 EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerType = 2 EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.DrawRecoilMarker = 0 EspSettings.RecoilMarkerColor = (255,255,255,255) EspSettings.RecoilMarkerLineWidth = 1 EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000) EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth = 1 EspSettings.RecoilMarkerSize = 15 EspSettings.RecoilMarkerType = 2 TriggerbotSettings.Enabled = 1 TriggerbotSettings.ActivationKey = 4 TriggerbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1 TriggerbotSettings.EnableRecoilLimit = 1 TriggerbotSettings.YawRecoilLimit = 0.1 TriggerbotSettings.PitchRecoilLimit = 0.1 TriggerbotSettings.FirstShotDelay = 1 TriggerbotSettings.FollowUpDelay = 20 TriggerbotSettings.Timeout = 1000 BhopSettings.Enabled = 0 BhopSettings.ActivationKey = 18[/SIZE] [/SPOILER] [/B][/CENTER] [B][B][SIZE=7]Offsets Atualizados 14/11/2017!!![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=7][B]Agradeço ao membro @'Lucifer por postar as Offsets atualizadas!!![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Aqui ficaram os Offsets atualizados para o funcionamento do hacker:[/SIZE] [B] *** O conteúdo oculto não pode ser citado. *** [/ B][/B][/B] [CENTER][B][B][/B][/B][/CENTER] [B][B][SIZE=3] [/SIZE] [SIZE=7]Download [/SIZE][/B][/B] [CENTER][B][B][SIZE=3]Download: [B] *** O conteúdo oculto não pode ser citado. *** [/ B][/B][/SIZE][/B][/B][/CENTER] [B][B][B] [SIZE=3]Scan: [URL][/URL][/SIZE] [/B][/B][/B] [CENTER][B][B][B]Extreme Injector [B] *** O conteúdo oculto não pode ser citado. *** [/ B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/CENTER] [B][B][B] [B][SIZE=3] Creditos: Todos os creditos para [B]Puddin Poppin Unknow (Criador do Hacker)[/B] [B][B]klurosu [/B][/B][/SIZE][/B][/B][/B][/B][/QUOTE] [B][B][B][B]Pode usar agora?[/B][/B][/B][/B]
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Não ta funcionando mais. E agora teve uma att que praticamente o panorama é obrigatório. Antes tava opcional. Depois dessa última att não dá mais para usar sem panorama. Esperando uma correção, ou algo do tipo. Atualizei o dumper já e mesmo assim não funfou com o panorama.


gg? :/

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Não ta funcionando mais. E agora teve uma att que praticamente o panorama é obrigatório. Antes tava opcional. Depois dessa última att não dá mais para usar sem panorama. Esperando uma correção, ou algo do tipo. Atualizei o dumper já e mesmo assim não funfou com o panorama.


gg? :/

Se você quiser continuar a utilizar basta colocar nas opções de inicialização -scaleform, ficará disponível por algum tempo ainda o antigo modelo do csgo.

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