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tutoriais [EVENTO] - Concurso ScreenShot - Dúvidas


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Concurso ScreenShot

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Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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dii' - Para identificá-los.

ΡΣÐRΘ ¥ - Sim.

Shunny' - CA é um jogo de FPS, mas não será aceito por tem uma área para isso e já existe eventos como esses por lá.

DownLoaD[WC].™ - O seu já foi postado e reprovei para ninguém copiar sua ideia.



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Poste no tópico de inscrição, após manda, seu Posto está invisivel para ninguém copie sua ideia.

- Não será permitido nenhum tipo de Edição.



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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- Primeira pergunta: Sim isso será aceitavel.

- Segunda pergunta: Não.


† Hell †:

- Sim.



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Sim Jounin, as print deverá se tirado e entregue em 1ª pessoa (eu).



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Não acho necessário porque somente nós Staffer iremos observar a print, os demais não. Caso tenha medo que seja mesmo assim denunciado:

- No máximo se pode riscar o nomes dos seus parceiros aonde aparecer " Kill's & Death ".



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Só jogos de FPS, como Counter Strike, CrossFire, Point Blank.



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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DownLoaD[WC].™: não será permitida a troca da imagem ,


yanmoroni : este é um tópico para dúvidas sobre o evento, não para discussão !, a postagem de screens do Point Blank é permitida sim, pois se localiza na FPS Zone !


nb bjm : Sim, como eu disse acima, o jogo se localiza na FPS Zone ! Leia os Exemplos de jogos neste tópico :

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~Samurai - O nick que estará gravado no promo será do seu nick da WC.


Dudu - Se manda sua ficha no próprio tópico de inscrição depois sua ficha ficará invisível.


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Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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